Choose your WordPress translation / multilingual plugin

[su_quote cite=”The administrator of and dozens of other WordPress sites”]A multilingual WordPress site, easy to use, it exists. I recommend WPML for years and I use it every day![/su_quote]


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Multilingual WordPress Plugins

Looking for a Multilingual WordPress plugin and you’re lost? Discover immediately our comparative of the best multilingual plugins specially thought for WordPress.

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WooCommerce Multilingual

A WooCommerce site that wants to reach as many people as possible must be multilingual. Check out the top WooCommerce Multilingual plugin right now.

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Multilingual WordPress Themes

In order for your WordPress site to be translated perfectly, a multilingual WordPress theme is essential. Discover our selection of multilingual themes often updated.

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Multilingual WordPress Plugin in the news

After more than ten years of use of WordPress, and many years to design multilingual WordPress sites, I opted to always work with the same multilingual WordPress plugins, on 100% of my multilingual WordPress projects.
Like all other multilingual WordPress plugins, it is not perfect. His greatest strength is his very thorough integration with WordPress.


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Multilingual Plugin History

Originally, he was the only one. It’s this plugin that has opened the way of multilingual to hundreds of thousands of WordPress sites. The competition is good, offering us a plugin updated very often since then. The licensing system is also one of the most beneficial I know.

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[su_button url=”” background=”#ffffff” color=”#40B34B” size=”7″ center=”yes” icon=”icon: wordpress” icon_color=”#40B34B” target=”blank”]Discover WPML[/su_button]


Do you want to know more multilingual WordPress plugins? Then discover our comparative multilingual plugins WordPress.
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Guides / How To WordPress Multilingual

When one embarks on the adventure of the web, it is hard to imagine the number of skills it takes to own a website to match its ambitions. is here to give you the information you need. Discover the questions that are most frequently asked in terms of WordPress hosting, CDN for WordPress and ecological web hosting.


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Multilingual WordPress?

[su_spoiler title=”How to create a multilingual WordPress site?”]
Learn more How to create a translated WordPress site? .

[su_spoiler title=”Which multilingual WordPress plugin?”]
Learn more Comparative WordPress translation plugin.

[su_spoiler title=”Multilingual WordPress Guides”]
Learn more WordPress Translation Guides.

[su_spoiler title=”Bilingual WordPress Site”]
Learn more Bilingual WordPress Site.


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Installation / Configuration

[su_spoiler title=”WPML: The ultimate guide”]
Learn more WPML: The Ultimate Guide

[su_spoiler title=”WPML: The plugin in detail”]
Learn more WPML: The plugin in detail

[su_spoiler title=”SEO and Translation”]
Learn more SEO and Translation

[su_spoiler title=”How to translate taxonomies?”]
Learn more How to translate WordPress taxonomies?

[su_spoiler title=”How to translate WordPress menus?”]
Learn more How to translate WordPress menus?



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Compatible plugins

[su_spoiler title=”ACF Translate / Multilingual”]
Learn more ACF Translate / Multilingual


[su_spoiler title=”bbPress Translate / Multilingual”]
Learn more bbPress Translate / Multilingual


[su_spoiler title=”BuddyPress Translate / Multilingual”]
Learn more BuddyPress Translate / Multilingual


[su_spoiler title=”Slider Translate / Multilingual”]
Learn more Sliders Translate / Multilingual


[su_spoiler title=”WooCommerce Translate / Multilingual”]
Learn more WooCommerce Translate / Multilingual


Still more questions about WordPress? Then find out more in our WordPress hosting FAQ.
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WooCommerce Multilingual

You know it, I already told you, as soon as it’s a multilingual WordPress site, I’ve been using WPML for years. But do you think it’s the same when it’s a multilingual WooCommerce site ? After all, translating a WordPress site and translating a WooCommerce site is not really the same thing. WooCommerce adds so many features to the world of WordPress ecommerce that we would think that we will have to choose another WooCommerce translation plugin. not the slightest bit! WPML manages WooCommerce to perfection . From the beginning, the WPML back-end teams believed in WooCommerce, offering an unparalleled level of support for WooCommerce translation.


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WooCommerce Translation

Do you know all that needs to be able to manage a WooCommerce translation plugin like WPML? Shop base page management, category translation management, tags, custom attributes and taxonomies, product translation, product variant translation, image text translation, URL translation, category translation and transport zones, automatic synchronization of product categories, use of several currencies, cleaning the shopping cart at the change of language or currency … and in addition we can add additional modules …

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[su_button url=”” background=”#ffffff” color=”#000000″ size=”7″ center=”yes” icon=”icon: rocket” icon_color=”#000000″]Plugin WooCommerce[/su_button]


Want to know more about WooCommerce translation? We have what you need! Then discover our WooCommerce Multilingue page.